Update of 2019-01-25 09:53:00
Cycling @ Salbari, Jhapa (26.66837589,88.0154405)
loved this so much
Day End of 2019-01-24 16:30:40
Cycling @ Birtamode, Jhapa (26.67101036,87.99533176)
start:7:23 distance:33km roamed around the area
Update of 2019-01-24 15:47:57
Biking @ Jayapur, Sunakhari Tol, Jhapa (26.71283803,88.01914277)
The technology is changing up increasing productivity and ease
Update of 2019-01-24 09:32:35
Cycling @ Santi Chowk-Haldibari, Jhapa (26.53048042,87.99135079)
just kidding, no serious risk
Update of 2019-01-24 08:14:52
Cycling @ Durga vitta, Jhapa (26.44850584,87.98955505)
if you didn't see next update, search my remains here around. :D hahaha locals saying the wild elephant came to village last night
Day End of 2019-01-23 16:50:36
Cycling @ Sukunadigi, Jhapa (26.41036021,87.99992633)
start:7:30 distance:63km staying at friend of friend
Update of 2019-01-23 16:18:37
Cycling @ Kachan Kawal, Jhapa (26.37267916,88.022879)
from 5700m to 58m.
Update of 2019-01-23 12:53:53
Cycling @ Purana Dhat-Prithivi Nagar, Jhapa (26.51072953,88.08102414)
Kechana is the lowest place of nepal
Update of 2019-01-23 11:57:55
Cycling @ Kalikadhar, Jhapa (26.57330139,88.10514851)
probably for next time
Lunch of 2019-01-23 09:57:21
Cycling @ Panitanki, India (26.64561406,88.17433231)
rewarded by friendly Panjabi lorry driver
Breakfast of 2019-01-23 08:13:48
Cycling @ Dhulabari, Jhapa (26.65988599,88.10071226)
unique taste and liked it
Day End of 2019-01-19 16:42:08
Cycling @ Maghurmadi, Jhapa (26.70270536,88.08711586)
start:7:51 distance:41km planning to stay for few days
Update of 2019-01-19 14:07:19
Cycling @ Hanspokhari, Ilam (26.82950302,88.07855657)
it is known as younger Pathivara godess
Breakfast of 2019-01-19 09:28:12
Cycling @ Fikkal, Ilam (26.89568352,88.06488982)
start of beautiful landscape
Day End of 2019-01-18 17:58:09
Cycling @ Aitabare, Ilam (26.88456728,88.02995342)
start:10:56 distance:31km got shelter and had wonderful talk with locales
Update of 2019-01-18 16:01:58
Cycling @ Narayan chowk, Ilam (26.87856598,87.98652122)
multiple sectors they work on fish, goat, chicken, cow and even tea
Update of 2019-01-18 12:07:12
Cycling @ Maikhola, Ilam (26.88368861,87.92853823)
because up to which this climb will last
Update of 2019-01-18 08:30:13
Cycling @ Mahavir Rock climbing, ilam (26.92060002,87.94524803)
none were there to attend and no tools
Day End of 2019-01-17 15:34:46
Cycling @ Mahavir, Ilam (26.91287833,87.93847413)
start:7:33 distance:40km sad fact is I got to climb back tomorrow
Update of 2019-01-17 14:11:49
Cycling @ Bhalu Dhunga, Ilam (26.92502459,87.92162688)
possibly the photos spot for couples and view of nearby fields/village