Update of 2018-11-24 12:54:32
Cycling @ Barel danda, Arghakhanchi (28.0546228,83.21250728)
Update of 2018-11-24 12:13:12
Cycling @ Deurali-Tamghas, Gulmi (28.05679665,83.24656427)
new secondary trail
Lunch of 2018-11-24 11:13:04
Cycling @ Resunga, Gulmi (28.06689654,83.27494029)
and lunch at Temple
Day End of 2018-11-23 15:24:38
Cycling @ Tamghas, Gulmi (28.06616828,83.24514748)
start: 8:00 distance: 27km with struggling and kind man
Update of 2018-11-23 14:26:24
Cycling @ Neta, Gulmi (28.05934318,83.21834534)
border of Gulmi and Arghakhanchi, clean road and downhill
Update of 2018-11-23 09:07:21
Cycling @ Balkot Pauwa, Arghakhanchi (27.9669366,83.24078397)
supposedly established by Jung Bd Rana
Day End of 2018-11-22 17:11:11
Cycling @ Mathura, Arghakhanchi (27.96746781,83.20836033)
start:7:01 distance: 46km nearby is a pauwa(shelter) made on the place where Jung bd Rana had born(no proof saw)
Update of 2018-11-22 15:26:11
Cycling @ Kanchikot, Arghakhanchi (27.97887925,83.15219017)
Muslim residency
Update of 2018-11-22 13:03:02
Cycling @ Sandikharka, Arghakhanchi (27.97733095,83.12494451)
moderate sized. met an energetic and struggling diary businessman
Lunch of 2018-11-22 11:24:44
Cycling @ Newakot, Arghakhanchi (27.97608213,83.06986824)
one short&climb and another long&straight, I took the second one
Update of 2018-11-22 08:24:40
Cycling @ Asurkot, Arghakhanchi (28.00224686,82.99511388)
I will see
Day End of 2018-11-21 16:59:28
Cycling @ Jogitari, Pyuthan (28.01502329,82.97410142)
start:6:47 distance:56km climb here after
Update of 2018-11-21 16:03:13
Cycling @ Chujathanti, Pyuthan (28.04360751,82.94640112)
Update of 2018-11-21 13:58:56
Cycling @ Khalanga, Pyuthan (28.08958481,82.88307509)
Mallarani gaupalika
Breakfast of 2018-11-21 08:40:53
Cycling @ Chakchake-Jaspur, Pyuthan (28.05162719,82.78590278)
junction to khalanga
Day End of 2018-11-20 18:10:47
Cycling @ Bhingri, Pyuthan (28.14346994,82.71416798)
start:8:10 distance:57km the second one accepted to give me space
Update of 2018-11-20 16:19:11
Cycling @ Khungre, Rolpa (28.20881172,82.69179915)
glad I saw
Update of 2018-11-20 14:35:21
Cycling @ Satdobato, Rolpa (28.27218332,82.67318955)
Highest on chakchake-libang section
Lunch of 2018-11-20 10:47:53
Cycling @ Liwang, Dolpa (28.30406326,82.63759262)
but the black topped surface made it lot easier
Day End of 2018-11-20 09:03:40
Cycling @ Madichour, Rolpa (28.33415737,82.59857909)
and the end of downhill